David Jones Masterclass


A one-day workshop for singers and teachers, conducted by internationally-renowned voice teacher, David Jones.

This seminar will include vocalization using concepts of the Old Italian Singing School and the Swedish Influence, including the application of technique to repertoire. David Jones will instruct high school, college, and adult students. This allows teachers and singers the opportunity to hear the concepts applied to various voice types at different developmental levels.

To reserve a place in the Master Class, streamed or in-person, write david@voiceteacher.com.

Registration and payment are due August 29.


In-person and live-streamed.


The cost of the all-day class is $50.

Payments within the U.S. will be accepted through Venmo:
David-Jones-333 / Maestro David Jones / david@voiceteacher.com

Payments outside of the U.S. can be made via PayPal:


Contact debcarbaugh@gmail.com with any questions.