
Everything you need in one place
At the Bookstore in Sorin Hall, you can obtain everything from textbooks and supplies to gifts and Piper apparel at reasonable prices. Whether you're grabbing a new Hamline sweatshirt, loading up on snack food, or making a run for school supplies, the Bookstore’s got you covered!
You never need to worry about extra textbook fees at Hamline. If you are an undergraduate student, your rental is covered in your tuition!
Learn about Hamline's Equitable Access program below and how it helps save you money.
Textbook rental program
Yearly textbook rental fees are included in Hamline's undergraduate tuition rates. The textbook rental program is a mandatory program for all undergraduate students, as well as new transfer students.
About the Equitable Access rental program
Hamline University and Hamline Bookstore offer Equitable Access, a new annual textbook rental program. The convenient and affordable program provides you with all the required course materials rented to you as part of your tuition or fees. A benefit of Equitable Access is that it lets you know the total cost of your classes upfront with no surprises about additional out-of-pocket costs for required course materials.
With Equitable Access, you can conveniently access your course materials without signing up, ordering online, or shopping around for the best price. In addition, the program guarantees you’ll have all the right books and correct editions you need from day one, making it easier for you to study, learn, and succeed.
Here's how the Equitable Access program works: The Hamline Bookstore will collect your registration information from the university and prepare your rental book package before the term begins. When the books are processed, you will receive an automated email with a list of the titles in your rental package. You can then pick up your rental package on campus. For an additional fee, you can purchase any of your rented materials. You can contact the Hamline Bookstore for more details at
Then, at the end of the semester, you will receive an email with a list of books you need to return. If you don't return all the books by the last day of finals, you will be charged additional fees to your student account.
The cost of Equitable Access will automatically be included for all part-time and full-time undergraduate students. You can submit an appeal to be removed or have your fee reduced for Equitable Access (Google Form).
If you have any questions about Equitable Access, we’re happy to help—contact