Your Financial Aid Offer

Understanding your financial aid offer

So you’ve received your financial aid offer from Hamline University, but you aren’t sure what it’s showing. We’re here to explain how it all works. From financial aid terms to how we disburse payments, we’ll help you understand everything you need to know.

Keep in mind that your offer is available in two formats: You will receive a paper copy in the mail and can also access it electronically. Both types will show the same information. If you’ve lost or misplaced your paper financial aid offer, no worries; email us at from your Hamline Gmail account to request a copy.

Financial aid terms can be complicated, so we've put together a glossary for you to reference whenever there’s a word or phrase you don't recognize. Use this glossary as a supplement to the information provided on this page.

View Glossary

Your financial aid offer, explained

Review our example financial aid offer for helpful tips on how to read its content. We’ve highlighted important terms and phrases, explaining what each one means. If you’re having trouble with our example images, you’ll find the same terms listed further down this page.

What to look for in your financial aid offer

Need an easy way to see all the terms and phrases on your offer? Use our table to quickly identify what specific words mean. For a complete list of related terminology, refer to our Hamline financial aid glossary in Google Docs.

Term or phrase Explanation
Enrollment status: Full-time Full-time is 12–18 credits per semester. State grant recipients must be at 15+ credits each semester for full grant dollars.
Living arrangements: On campus Appears under “Assumptions” near the top of your financial aid offer. Contact financial aid if this is incorrect, as on-campus status can affect grants and estimated costs.
Grants and scholarships Gift money that does not need to be repaid. Includes all Hamline, federal, and state aid available.
Grants and scholarships: 2023–2024 total Total gift money for the year. The column above this amount shows how dollars are split for the year.
Federal student loans Loan money in the student’s name that must be repaid with interest. Application required, but no cosigner/credit check required.
Federal student loans: 2023–2024 total Total student loan money for the year. The column above this amount shows how dollars are split for the year.

Estimated direct costs

Total estimated costs to be billed by Hamline for the year. Includes fees, books, and housing and food if you’re assumed to be living on campus (based on “Living Arrangements” from the front page of your financial aid offer).
Summary of estimated costs minus aid: Owed to Hamline without loans Total estimated net cost for the year. This is direct costs minus gift money (from the first page of your financial aid offer).
Summary of estimated costs minus aid: Owed to Hamline if borrowed loans Total estimated cost for the year after borrowing student loans (from the first page of your offer).
Additional financing options: Federal/state work-study Shows your work-study eligibility. Money isn’t guaranteed and is dependent on applying for a job, being hired, and then getting paid directly for hours worked.
Additional financing options: Federal Parent PLUS or Alternative Loan Credit-based loan options. Must be credit approved to apply. Visit the website for more information and contact the Office of Financial Aid for your maximum dollar amount eligibility. The number provided is your PLUS loan or alternative loan amount eligibility for the year.

Disbursement and payment FAQs

Below you'll find information on how your financial aid offer is applied to your student account. 

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