Rainbow Keynote: Queerness Is A Body of Water

Join the Center for Gender + Sexualities and Spectrum, Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30-8pm, Anderson 305, for the Rainbow Keynote: Queerness Is A Body of Water  

Categories don’t exist in nature. the water waves, washes, or quenches. the soil seeds or buries. fire, warms or enflames. they all have roles. all coexist & need each other. i think in discovering my identity & sexuality within my queerness, i realize that they have roles that constantly change & need the other too. as someone close to me has said, it’s like trying to grasp for water, knowing it will always slip through fingers, and all that’s left is a puddle. and i would say that there are many puddles of identity & sexuality that i have learned to drink, swish in my mouth, & spit out if it doesn’t taste quite right.  Nguyen is a vessel, a listener, creator. They center most of their poetry & fashion around being first generation, Vietnamese American, queerness, and mental health. They’ve competed at Brave New Voices, Button Poetry Live & has had their work published at several universities. They’ve self published their first poetry chapbook called “Kissing God’s Gravel” followed by self producing, directing, starring, and styling in their first poetry short film in November 2023. Follow Nguyen on social media; @thepoetdi on Instagram and Facebook, or on their website.