Music Auditions

Music department

Find the ensemble that fits best

Hamline's music department hosts auditions at the beginning of the fall semester for all students who wish to join a music ensemble or take private lessons. Groups like University Chorale do not require an audition to join, but auditioning is important for finding an ensemble that will help each musician flourish.

In the spring, if students wish to audition for a place in one of Hamline's music ensembles, they may contact the director of the ensemble they wish to join to schedule an audition.

Fall 2024 auditions for Hamline musical ensembles

New Student Auditions will take place Sunday, August 25, 3-5:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet will be posted on Friday August 23 (move-in day) in the Drew Fine Arts Music Department on the first floor bulletin board next to DFA 114.

Vocal program
Shekela Wanyama, Choir Director, DFA 209, and Deb Gilroy, vocal faculty, DFA 112

Audition instructions for vocalists
For studio assignment and confirmation of choir membership and voice part. Prepare a song you are familiar with that shows your range and vocal ability.

Instrumental program
Strings/Orchestra: Professor Yali You,, DFA 114
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion/Wind Ensemble: Professor Janet Greene,, DFA 111
Jazz Ensemble, Studio Ensemble: Jeff Bailey,, DFA 113

Audition instructions for instrumentalists

  • Prepare a piece (or two short pieces) to demonstrate both technical and musical skills (various tempos and characters)
  • A scale of your choice with as many octaves as possible
  • A short sight-reading passage
  • Jazz students may demonstrate improvisation skills over a blues progression
  • Percussion students, let us know what instrument(s) you will need for the audition

Questions? Contact Professor Janet Greene at