Two harlequins, two shepherds, and death share the stage in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s fanciful one-act. This poetic farce explores the morals of war, friendship, love, and boredom all in the span of 30 minutes! Harlequins Pierrot and Columbine lament their shiny decadence. Cothurnus wears the Masque of Tragedy. Friends Thyrsis and Corydon lose their lives in a make-believe battle. How does a play that was shaped and informed by the 20 million casualties during World War I speak to a world on edge over a century later?
Directed by Eden Fahy (Class of 2025) as part of their senior project in the Department of Performance, Production, and Community.
Hamline University, Anne Simley Theatre
1530 W. Taylor Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104