Kristine Kelly
Kristine Kelly, ATLAS Literacy & English Language Arts Coordinator, holds a BS in English and a BA in Russian Studies from MN State University-Mankato and an MA from Hamline University with concentrations in K-12 reading and alternative education. Kristine is the MN CCRS Implementation Cohort Lead and the MN lead for implementation of the CCR ELA standards. During her 21 years in Minnesota ABE, she has worked with both Metro South and Robbinsdale ABE in the areas of GED, adult and under-21 diploma, and postsecondary transitions. She is a frequent literacy presenter at the program, regional, state and national level and consults with ABE state leadership on ELA content instruction and portfolio review for the Minnesota Standard Adult High School Diploma. Kristine has worked as a MnSCU-credentialed developmental reading instructor and has piloted two college-prep partnerships with Hennepin Technical College and Normandale Community College. Recently, she has been consulting on workplace literacy projects, overseeing the development of large online curriculum projects, and partnering with numerous software and publishing companies to align instructional material to the CCRS.