Maria Leal, Modern Languages (Spanish)

Maria Leal

Professor - Modern Languages; Department Chair - Modern Languages and Literature
Work space: St. Paul Main Campus > Giddens/Alumni Learning Center > Giddens/Alumni Learning Center GLC 236W

María Jesús Leal is Associate Professor at Hamline University and Modern Languages and Literatures Department´s Chair. Leal is a native of Spain, she has taught Spanish language, literature, and culture courses at Hamline University since 2006. She got her PhD in Comparative Hispanic and English Linguistics from the University of Valladolid, Spain (2007) and she is the author of a book: La enseñanza de la Fraseología en español como lengua extranjera. Estudio comparativo dirigido a estudiantes anglófonos.(Phraseological Expressions in Spanish and its Application to Teaching Spanish as a Second Language. A Comparative Study Applied to Anglophone Students, published by Valladolid University Press, Spain (2011).

Three important characteristics of my courses are global perspective, diversity and multiculturalism. Students will improve their communication skills in Spanish, and enhance their cultural awareness of the Hispanic countries.

“I enthusiastically and constantly encourage my students to experience living and studying abroad, to immerse themselves in the Spanish language, and to taste the culture of the Hispanic countries that they have learned about through my classes. This experience opens your eyes, your intellect, and your heart."

- María Jesús Leal