Let's Talk About Thriving

Your mindset and thinking affect everything in your life. When we go through a challenging time, like a pandemic or any other difficult personal situation, sometimes our default mindset can shift towards survival mode.

Pessimism and negativity are the underlying mindset of survival mode, and the value of pessimism or negativity is that it serves to protect us and keep us safe. However, when our mental habits skew towards surviving, it can be difficult for us to tap into the optimism that is necessary to achieve growth, flourishing, and thriving.

Join us for a free virtual series with an experienced health and wellness coach, Charles Inniss, DPT, NBC-HWC to begin making the changes you need to go from stressed and burnt out to energetic and joyful.

All sessions are virtual on Wednesdays from 2-3 pm ET (1 pm CT, 12 pm MT, 11 am PT). Registration is open to all administrators, faculty, and staff on NACU campuses.

Check out a video from Charles previewing the first session.


Let's Talk About Thriving | September 28, 2022

How can cultivating optimism help us to thrive? Participants will learn the key skills for optimism, including gratitude, self-compassion, self-appreciation, and appreciation of others and how to practice reframing thoughts. Optimism and thriving can be learned and improved with practice, and this session will include breakout activities and visioning to get you started.

Register for Sept 28


Let's Talk About Stress | October 26, 2022

Learn about the latest research on stress and neuroscience to understand how we might better approach the concept of stress. What can we change that will dramatically affect our stress levels and burnout rates? Breakout activities and exercises will ensure that participants can apply the ideas to everyday life.

Register for Oct 26


Mindfulness, Meditation, and Breathing Exercises in Practice | November 30, 2022

Just as we believe that classroom knowledge is learned best by applying it to the real world, this session will help participants become more skilled in the practice of mindfulness and breathing exercises. Dr. Inniss will demystify the concept of meditation, talk about the mind-body connection, and lay out several exercises that can help with mental, emotional, and physical health.

Register for Nov 30


Optimistic Leadership | January 25, 2023

Knowing one’s strengths is a key to authentic and positive leadership. Dr. Inniss will discuss qualities and skills of optimistic leaders and share how leaders can create the change they seek to allow those around them to thrive as well. Prior to this session, it is recommended that you take the free, 15-minute Values in Action Assessment.

Register for Jan 25