Hamline Student Photos Published at U.S.News.com

Hamline student Paul Isidort had multiple photos published at U.S. News.com along with an article written by "Reporting from Thailand" partner Angelica Niedermeyer. The article was part of the "Reporting from Thailand" Summer 2022 program.

To date, all participants have had their articles and/or photos published through online media sources. Check out these students' hard work here: "Thailand’s Tourism Rebound Puts Elephant Abuse in the Spotlight".

Paul joined Professor Suda Ishida, fellow Pipers Zoe Lamps and Annika Roe, and three non-HU students in May 2022 for an environmental reporting program designed to put students to work in collaboration with local community members and journalists to investigate local wildlife tourism in Thailand with the goal of publishing their work in global media outlets, such as the U.S. News & World Report, and Mongabay.  The students and early career journalists also receive mentorship from Richard Paddock of the New York Times, Mary Stucky of the International Women’s Media Foundation and Regina McCombs of the University of Minnesota.