Gender-Inclusive Restrooms Added

The Bathroom Task Force, a collaborative effort of Center for Gender + Sexualities (formerly Sexualities and Gender Diversity Programs), Facilities, and HUSC have been working to address the HUSC 2019 Bathroom Resolution. In the spring of 2021, we began identifying what other bathrooms we could modify or make into gender inclusive multi-user restrooms, based on the limitations of our buildings, and the current building codes related to fixture counts. We have several bathrooms that we have identified that need minor construction, which we hope to have completed soon. Last year, in the fall 2022, we piloted a gender inclusive multi-user bathroom in GLC, on the second floor to much success. 

This year, we are excited to announce that we have added two additional gender-inclusive, multi-user restrooms as we start the fall 2023 semester. We now have one on the first floor of Robbins Science, and one on the third floor of East Hall. 

Currently, we have posted temporary signage and will update building signage with more permanent signage later this fall once it has been completed.

We want to encourage folks to remember that all gender and gender inclusive restrooms are inclusive of people of all gender identities. As such, all people should be respectful of and in these spaces. We are not going to tell people what bathrooms to use. Rather, we want to provide spaces so that all individuals can use them in an accessible manner.

Trans* people may use whatever facility that best aligns to their gender-identity and comfort level. If they would like to use the gendered restroom because they are more comfortable with it, that is up to their discretion. We do not tolerate bathroom policing at Hamline.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.