Job and Volunteer Opportunities with the Hamline to Hamline Collaboration

The Hamline to Hamline Collaboration is a longstanding partnership that includes many opportunities for Hamline University students, faculty and staff to learn and grow alongside the Hamline Elementary community. Last year that looked like university students tutoring in elementary classrooms, student athletes visiting Hamline Elementary during lunch and recess, 1st graders learning about sheep brains, 4th graders participating in an archaeological dig, an awesome field day on Klas Field, campus tours, and so much more. You can learn more about what we do at this link.

The Hamline to Hamline Collaboration is currently hiring for its academic tutoring program. We have multiple positions available which offer flexible hours, $15/hour, and the chance to make a difference in our community. All majors are welcome to apply. This is a particularly good opportunity for education majors to work with kids and become part of an amazing elementary school community. Federal or state work study (6450) is required. Interested applicants are welcome to apply here:

We are also looking for Hamline University students, staff, and faculty who would like to be paired with a Hamline Elementary student through our volunteer mentor program, Hand in Hand. The commitment is 30-45 minutes once a week and will likely be the highlight of your week.  Please reach out to our team for more information about our job and volunteer opportunities and get connected to this one-of-a-kind collaboration.

Tutor Program: Jaime @ or Alex @ 
Hand in Hand: Alex @ 
All Programming: Maggie @  or Jessica @