Management Career Panel Event is Tuesday

Tuesday, February 6 from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m.
Anderson 112

Featuring Guest Speakers: Peter Najarian and Jeremy Hanson
Hosted by CMP Mentor Lou Lundberg and Student Event Leader (SEL) Isaac Baron

The event hosts, Peter Najarian and Jeremy Hanson, both successful local businessmen and entrepreneurs, will speak about their career success and the preparation, work ethic, and determination necessary to have a successful career. Peter Najarian, in addition to being an expert in finance and trading, is a former NFL player with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Minnesota Vikings. Open to ALL HSB undergraduate, graduate students and Hamline athletes. 

Register for this event in advance via the QR code on the attached flyer or by contacting Nancy Hogan at We can't wait to see you on Tuesday!