Annual Cybersecurity Training

Each year all faculty and staff are required to complete Cybersecurity Awareness Training. All employees must complete the assigned training to comply with financial audit requirements, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). Statistics show that human error is the largest contributing factor to information security and data privacy lapses. 

To assist with meeting the university’s regulatory compliance requirements, all active employees must complete the assigned Canvas courses. Those identified as Key Employees may have more than one Canvas course assigned and will need to complete both courses. It should take approximately 40 minutes to complete each of them. We ask that you complete your Cybersecurity Awareness Training assignment(s) by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18th. 

As of January 28th, a To Do will show up in your Workday Inbox with a link to Canvas with steps to complete the Cybersecurity Awareness Training course(s). 

This training program is provided by the SANS Institute and is an essential component of our overarching information security initiative. Training and awareness ensures our knowledge of information security threats, requirements, and resources, which enables us to fulfill our individual roles in protecting critical information systems and assets.  This significantly reduces the number of CyberSecurity incidents and can assess and improve your CyberSecurity awareness both at work and at home.

As Hamline faculty and staff, we individually and collectively are responsible for:

●     protecting our university data and privacy;

●     securing our critical academic and administrative systems;

●     ensuring the integrity of research data; and

●     complying with data-protection laws and regulations.

 If you have difficulty accessing the courses or have additional questions about the Information Security Awareness Training, please contact the Central Service Desk at or 651-523-2220.Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.