Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students:
As you know, Hamline is home to a wide spectrum of rich religious and cultural traditions. As a university community, we support and celebrate our community members in this part of their identity.
Holy Day Events and Resources
Please check out the Wesley Center for Spirituality, Service, and Social Justice Religious and Spiritual Life webpage for the most up-to-date information on Wesley Center events and resources for these observances. On this page you will find links to guides for spring religious observances for Christians, Jews, and Muslims for which some students may be seeking support and accommodation.
Religious Accommodations
Please see Hamline’s official Religious Holiday Observance policy for more details about religious accommodations.
If you do not see a religious observance that should be represented, if you have found any information that is erroneous, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chaplain Kelly at
Thank you for your support of religiously observant Hamline community members. Please reach out to any of us if you have questions about this information.