Student researchers support the important work of the Center 

Beginning with the mass shooter database, the Violence Prevention Project Research Center has relied on Hamline undergraduate students to help compile, organize, and present the findings from the Center’s large-scale studies.

As part of the ongoing work on the Center’s databases, students regularly meet to conduct online research, review court documents and police records, and engage in other crucial research.

Anna S., Student Researcher with Hamline's Violence Prevention Project Resource Center

Violence Prevention Project Research Center opportunities for students

Hear from Jillian Peterson, executive director, and Anna S. ‘26, about the opportunities for student researchers.

Student research helps shape local and national legislation

One of the central goals of the Center’s large-scale research studies is to share its findings with the public, practitioners, and public officials, which has led to more educated and informed discussions. This has helped to shape the basis of new legislation and policies both in Minnesota and across the United States.


These studies are conducted with a small, dedicated team of Hamline undergraduate students using rigorous research methodologies.

Some of the large-scale Violence Prevention Project Research Center studies that students have contributed to include:

  • Mass shooting database
  • Minneapolis-Saint Paul homicides database
  • K-12 school shooting database
  • Violence in higher education database

Interested in joining our student research team?

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