Gender, Sex, & Sexuality programming

In an effort to welcome and provide support for everyone of all genders and sexual identities, the Gender, Sex, & Sexuality Resource Center (GSSRC) has shaped its programming around four core areas:

  • Women and femme
  • Queer and trans
  • Intersectional feminism
  • Healthy sexualities

In addition to new events and programs that the GSSRC will host and collaborate on, it will also continue to host and collaborate on the signature annual events of the former Women’s Resource Center and the Sexualities and Gender Diversity Programs.

What’s more, throughout the year, the GSSRC will hold numerous events in recognition of awareness months, including LGBTQIA+ History Month (October), Women’s History Month (March), and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April), as well as other regular programming such as:

  • Mythbusting Community Issues
  • Diving Deeper Dinners
  • Feminist Film Series
  • Feminist Fridays

Upcoming events at GSSRC

Gender, Sex, & Sexuality Resource Center

Apr 22
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Lavender Gala

Kay Fredericks Ballroom, Klas Center

The Lavender Gala is the end-of-the-year event to celebrate our graduating seniors and revisit everything from throughout the year.

Signature annual events

Rainbow Reception

The Rainbow Reception meet-and-greet occurs twice a year, in the fall and spring. It's an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ identifying and allied individuals on campus to connect. Open to new students, upper-class students, and transfer students to faculty and staff.


Take Back the Campus

Take Back the Campus

Take Back the Campus is a resource fair with activities and food, intended to provide students the opportunity to learn about local resources and opportunities in sexual violence prevention, to learn more about sexual and relationship violence, and to get involved in making Hamline a safer and more supportive place for students and survivors.

TBTC is modeled after Take Back the Night, which is usually hosted by campuses in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Our iteration of the event recognizes Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM) in October. RVAM falls within the "Red Zone," August through November, the period of time on college campuses during which the majority of sexual assault occurs. We'll be joined by a variety of folks from off campus who do work in relationship violence and sexual violence prevention work!

Trans Day of Visibility (March)

This annual event, International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV) is celebrated on March 31 of each year. Founded by activist Rachel Crandall in 2009, to honor and celebrate the resilience, achievements, contributions, and successes of transgender and gender diverse people, as well as to raise awareness of transgender rights. We recognize this day each year with some form of event or program.

Lavender Gala (April)

Tuesday, April 22 4 to 6 p.m.  |  Kay Fredericks Ballroom, Klas Center

The Lavender Gala is the end-of-the-year event to celebrate our graduating seniors and to revisit everything from throughout the year.

Twin Cities Pride

Hamline University participates each year in Twin Cities Pride, as a vendor, and at times has participated in the MN Private Colleges Council's Pride parade contingent. Volunteer or swing by to say “hi.” We love to meet prospective students, incoming students, current students, and our alumni.

Piper pride
QUnity overnight retreat, Center for Gender + Sexualities

QUnity Overnight Retreat

QUnity is an annual retreat intended for LGBTQIA2S+ and allied Hamline students to connect, socialize, and learn. Our most recent retreat was held October 11 to Saturday, October 12 at an off-campus retreat location. Each QUnity retreat includes 4 workshop sessions on Friday and a 4-hour adventure course (including zipline!) on Saturday. QUnity attendance has no cost to students; transportation, meals, and lodging will be provided.

Contact us at for more information.

Student groups and student organizations

The Gender, Sex, & Sexuality Resource Center hosts two student-focused groups—Transform and QTIBIPOC—and collaborates and partners with several student organizations, including Spectrum and Women Boss UP. If you are interested in starting a group related to sex, gender, and sexuality, please email

Contact information