Student Collaborative Research
National Conference of Undergraduate Research
Each year, over 2,000 undergraduate students competitively chosen from colleges and universities nationwide present their original research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Traditionally, Hamline University has been able to provide about forty grants (covering travel expenses, accommodations, and registration) for undergraduates presenting research they have conducted for advanced classes, independent studies, honors theses, and/or summer collaborative research.
The Hamline student contingent, which brings together scholars from the entire spectrum of academic disciplines and programs, is one of the largest in the nation. Of the 300+ colleges and universities that send delegations, Hamline consistently places in the top five in terms of students sponsored, and the 100% acceptance rate places the selected students respectably above the 82 to 84% nation-wide rate.
Students selected to present at NCUR, together with the accompanying faculty members, foster a collaborative community committed to a challenging and nurturing intellectual environment. While away at the conference, students live in close quarters that provide a unique opportunity to foster interdisciplinary scholarly connections. Delegates typically attend each other's presentations to provide formative feedback on both research content and form of delivery. Each presenter further receives feedback from at least one faculty member.
NCUR application process
The Collaborative Research Program provides funding for 30 to 35 students each year to travel to and participate in the NCUR meeting. Students in all divisions, majors, and programs who have conducted original research in their courses, independent studies, honors theses, creative projects, or collaborative research are encouraged to apply.
Internal selection process
To apply for NCUR funding, all interested students must first submit their abstract (prepared with a view to NCUR-specific abstract guidelines) to a Hamline University-wide selection committee that will make recommendations for Hamline NCUR representatives.
The deadline to submit an abstract for internal review for potential participation in NCUR 2025 has passed (deadline was October 15, 2024).
National selection process
Students selected in the internal selection process will be invited to submit their abstracts to the national level via the NCUR website. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by discipline-specific panels of experts who will select conference presenters. The results of that selection process are to be announced at the end of January.
Contact information
Leif Hembre, professor, biology department chair, co-director of collaborative research
Ryan Larson, assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice, co-director of collaborative research