Resumes and Applications

Career Development Center

This page includes resources to help you create and refine your resumes, cover letters, thank you notes, and graduate school applications. It also includes information about employer research and preparing for interviews.

For additional information about interviewing, including information sheets, visit the Career Development Center networking page.

Resume resources and handouts

A resume is the first piece of information about you a potential employer will see, so it’s crucial that it is prepared well. Meeting with a career counselor to review your resume is a great way to get specific feedback and tailor the document to the position you want.

In addition to a resume, employers typically ask you to submit a list of references when you apply to a position. The list should be comprised of people who know you well and can speak to your skills and abilities. Be sure to choose them wisely. 


Written resources Videos
Resume building guide (Google Doc)  Resume writing video tutorial (  
Curriculum Vitae (PDF) Common resume questions video tutorial (
Guide to creating a professional profile (PDF) Common resume sections video tutorial (
Guide to creating a reference list (PDF) Resume red flags video tutorial (
Job Scan resume services ( Resume writing video playlist (



Cover letters and thank you notes

Communicating with employers remains an important way to make a positive impression. Below are resources to help you successfully connect through the application process.

Graduate school

In a competitive employment environment, the first key to success is standing out from the crowd and making sure your resume rises to the top of the applicant pile. There are many reasons why a person may decide to get a graduate degree; it may be for the rewards that an advanced degree can provide such as a new challenge, career advancement or personal development, or the advantages of more job options and a higher salary. Whatever your reason, graduate school is a viable option to gain an edge in the market.