New Transfer Student Class Registration

Center for Academic Success and Achievement

Registration steps for transfer students

New transfer students entering in the fall or spring should schedule an appointment with the Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA) by calling 651-523-2912. During this appointment, we will review your transfer coursework, help you plan your schedule, and go over information you should know as a new student.

Before your appointment, do the following:

  1. Review the registration guide for transfer students (PDF) that is emailed to all new transfer students. This guidebook will provide helpful pre-registration instructions.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the resources listed on our current student resource page.
  3. View CASA's frequently asked questions.

New transfer students enrolling at Hamline may register as early as 7 a.m. on the first day of the registration week in the prior term (depending on how many credits you are transferring - see specific thresholds below). Check with CASA (651-523-2912) for specific dates for your registration.

  • Seniors and continuing post-baccalaureates (96+ credits)
  • Juniors (64–95.99 credits)
  • Sophomores (32–63.99 credits)
  • First-years (fewer than 32 credits)

Again, please contact us if you have questions. 

Welcome to Hamline!