Residential Handbook

Office of Residential Life

Residential Life policies and procedures

Living on campus is a privilege, and students are subject to all Hamline policies and those outlined on this page.

About the Residential Housing Association (RHA)

Residential Housing Association executive board members work with their advisor, the Director of Residential Life, to help provide oversight for all of our on-campus residence halls. Students hired to these positions are representatives of the Office of Residential Life for on-campus students and it is a stipend position. RHA executive board members are responsible for managing a programming budget, distributing funds to residential programming committees (if applicable), and planning large on-campus programs such as Welcome Week Battle of the Halls, Hamline Halloween, Late Night Study Breakfast (fall and spring) and cross-campus All-Hall Events, as well as hosting an End of the Year National Residence Hall Honorary Celebration Event. Talk with your Resident Assistant (RA), Area Coordinator (AC), or Student Area Coordinator (SAC) to find out more and to get involved! Questions? Please email Director Yolanda Hansen at


Submit an incident

How to share a room and resolve conflict with a roommate

The Office Of Residential Life recognizes that for many students, the move to campus is the first time they are living with someone else, and this can be challenging. It is very important for residents to have an open mind and the willingness to compromise. For any conflict that comes up, our initial response is to refer to the roommate agreement contract, which is given out at the beginning of the school year and should be signed by all residents of a room as soon as possible. The contract is used to ensure that each roommate is given the opportunity to discuss their boundaries and preferences, and that this conversation is documented.

For issues that are not resolved with the contract, we encourage residents to discuss the situation in a mediated and respectful manner, rather than just moving to a new room. Learning to resolve difficulties through communication is an important part of the educational process in college, and all students will be expected to participate in this critical step before further measures (such as a room change) are taken.

Roommate conflict policy

Residential Life follows the following guidelines in dealing with all roommate conflicts brought to the attention of a staff member.

  • Residents are encouraged to talk to one another openly about the concerns.
  • If the problems persist, residents will be asked to schedule a meeting with their Resident Assistant (RA) or Pro-Staff Supervisor of the hall, to discuss the issues and review the Roommate Agreement.
  • If not already completed at the beginning of the semester, a Roommate Agreement Contract is set up with expectations in place that all roommates agree to follow by signing the form.
  • Only after all the previous steps are completed, if the situation remains unsolved, the students are asked if one would like to move to a different room.
  • We do not side with one roommate or the other and make one person leave the space.
  • If neither student agrees to move, then the student who first violated the Roommate Agreement Contract is required to move.


Additional contract expectations

Residential Life policies are established to help create and maintain a healthy living community. These policies are in addition to the Hamline University Judicial Code provided on Hamline's policy page and are applicable to all residence hall, apartment, and house residents and their guests. Students who elect to live in Hamline University student housing will be held accountable for the following policies.

Conduct code and disciplinary process

The office of Residential Life at Hamline University works towards creating an environment that fosters academics and personal growth.

Read about our policies and procedures on our Hamline's policy page.

Services and amenities

What to do...

Quick phone reference: In case of emergency, dial 911