Meet Kimia Kowsari '24

This criminology student discovered her passions early in life, and they've chased them ever since
Not everyone can say that they're fulfilling the dreams of their 14-year-old self, but Kimia Kowsari '24 is certainly well on their way.
As a criminology and criminal justice major, Kowsari was first introduced to the subject through a documentary on the criminal justice system in her first year of high school.
"It blew my mind, because there are so many things wrong with it," Kowsari recalled. "I wanted to learn more!"
Kowsari, who grew up in Maple Grove, Minnesota, cast their net far and wide when applying for college, but she "fell in love" on her first visit to Hamline.
When I realized it had a great criminology and criminal justice program, that was it. I walked into the bookstore and I could see myself here. It had a magic to it.
Kowsari's dream is to earn a PhD and become a professor herself someday. They found their passion for teaching early on as well, when they started helping their friends and classmates with homework in middle school.
"I've always loved teaching and learning," Kowsari said, particularly "that lightbulb moment" when a difficult concept finally clicks. It's also helped her build confidence in her own knowledge, she added: "When you help someone understand, you realize that you know what you're talking about, too."
When they're not studying, Kowsari stays busy as a student worker at the Career Development Center and the Women's Resource Center, and as the president of Spectrum, a student-led organization that promotes awareness of LGBTQIA issues.
To top it all off, Kowsari hopes to design a research project for herself this coming summer. But they aren't afraid to juggle a few responsibilities; after all, "it was all the opportunities that drew me here," she said.
Learn more about the opportunities that await you at the Career Development Center, dive into our criminology and criminal justice major, and explore LGBTQIA events and resources on campus.