Facilities Services

About Facilities Services

Facilities Services strives to provide outstanding support for the students, faculty, staff and visitors to Hamline University. As a service organization, we are responsible for the planning, construction, renovation, maintenance, and repair of Hamline University buildings and facilities; and the provision of utilities, land care, custodial, and other related support services. Our primary goal is to provide responsive and cost effective service for the operation and maintenance of facilities that support the mission of Hamline University. 

Please let us know how we can help make your work and academic environment better. We welcome your calls and comments.

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Quick Reference Guide

Campus alerts

No alerts at this time.

Location and hours

We are located at 1481 Taylor Avenue, east of the Klas Center. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. View the Hamline campus map (PDF).

Immediate after-hours assistance

Contact the Public Safety Office at 651-523-2100.

Contact information