The mission of Hamline Public Safety

Hamline Public Safety is responsible for providing a safe academic, working, and living environment for the entirety of the Hamline community and its visitors.

Receive Hamline Alerts

Receive Hamline Public Safety Alerts for weather warnings, weather closings and delays, or on-campus emergencies through text message, voicemail, or email.

Sign up for alerts

Important phone numbers

Hamline Public Safety 651-523-2100
Saint Paul non-emergency dispatch 651-291-1111
Animal Control 651-266-1100
Saint Paul snow emergency 651-266-7569
Counseling & Health Services 
Resources for domestic violence, sexual assault, suicide prevention

For other information, including procedures for evacuations, severe weather, and snow emergencies, please see our Emergency Information page.


Services we provide

The following Hamline Public Safety services are provided to all Hamline University students, faculty, and staff members

Access requests

Physical key requests, card access requests, electronic key box access, and after-hours access

More about access requests

Vehicle services

Escorts to vehicles, jump starts, and vehicle unlocks

Call 651-523-2100

Parking permits, lot information, and vehicle registration Parking and Registration Information
Hamline ID/key generation Hamline IDs and keys
Lost and found Visit Sorin Hall room 101 (1535 Englewood Avenue)