Study Away and Study Abroad Programs

If you're ready to explore the world, we're ready to help. Whether you're excited to immerse yourself in a new language or culture, develop an international network of friends and colleagues, or are planning a career in another country and want a taste, Hamline has a wide array of study away options so you can find a program that suits your needs and goals.
Got a question as you plan your travels? Contact the Global Engagement Center if you need assistance or have questions about the process—you can email the Global Engagement Center any time.
Types of study away and study abroad programs
Find a program that's right for you
Undergraduate programs
Finding the right program can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Brainstorming your academic, personal, and even career-oriented goals for study away or study abroad can help narrow down your options.
As you begin your search, ask yourself some questions to find out what's important to you in a study away or study abroad program. Do you want to:
- Be in a certain country or city?
- Study a specific course area?
- Intern at a certain type of company?
- Keep within a certain budget?
- Have specific types of support from your program?
Use our advanced search option and see what options you have from a list of approved programs.
This search is for finding a study-away program only. Fill out this Google form to apply for a program.
Pro tip: Hold the Control key to select more than one option for each search category.
Graduate programs
Hamline offers graduate students several options for taking courses abroad. Due to the short timespan of most graduate programs at Hamline, the options are limited to programs that fit with our degree programs.
If you'd like to go abroad during your graduate degree, consider a graduate program in another country.
Each year the School of Business creates a study away program specific to its students. Business faculty will have more information about that year's destination in the fall of the academic year before the summer program.